Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems

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Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems

The OCELOTS (Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems) Network brings together tropical ecology researchers, active learning pedagogy specialists, software developers, and media specialists, with the vision of creating an open-access, online resource library of learning modules in tropical ecology. The goal of these modules is to spark excitement in undergraduate biology courses by broadening cultural and geographic perspectives, enhancing principle-based reasoning and quantitative skills in ecology, and changing the way that students learn biology. OCELOTS modules are hosted on the gala platform.

With funding from the National Science Foundation’s Program in Research Coordinated Network in Undergraduate Biology Education, OCELOTS organizes and leads workshops that enable network participants to bring tropical biology into the undergraduate biology curriculum in an accessible way by creating innovative, interactive teaching materials and developing the means for sharing these materials so that they can be easily adapted around the world.

OCELOTS FMN – Spring 2024: Applications open on November 1, 2023; Deadline: December 1, 2023

Past Webinars

Willis Klemens et al. Snapshot Serengeti Online - Ocelots presentation for ATBC 2021

Previous OCELOTS webinars at ATBC